"What is beauty? What do we consider beautiful (in a woman)?" That was the question on the minds and lips of two gentlemen who interviewed me a few days ago. The gentlemen were scientists from the R&D department of a leading Indian brand. They wanted to understand why women wanted to look beautiful and what, in their definition, is beauty. Is it a fair skin? Is it shiny, long hair? Is it a clear complexion? And how far would you go to look beautiful? My answer was beauty is not defined only by a beautiful, symmetrical face or a slender, curvaceous body. It could be a gentle voice, a kind heart, generosity, hospitality or strength that a woman possesses and that is displayed, even for a fleeting moment. Yet, women do long to look beautiful, on the outside. We, admire other women even more than men admire them. An attractive woman who passes by is scanned from head to toe, not only by male eyes but by other females, as well. Women scrutinize her hair, her eyes, her makeup, her outfit, shoes and accessories. "Is she perfect? Is there a flaw there somewhere? Can I look like that?"
They asked me several questions and I answered as honestly as I could, digging into my psyche to find out what I really thought about each question. Did I think much about fair skin? No, I like a clear complexion better. But, yes, I do want my daughter to be fair rather than dark. And yes, I hate it when my skin fades a few tones darker after exposure to the sun. I run to my mirror and wistfully say, "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, I'm surely not the fairest of them all!".
Did I think creams and lotions can alter me? Yes, for a few hours. No, the natural elements like the sun and the wind cannot be forced to ignore you if you expose yourself to it often. No, consuming good food and water should have a lasting effect than rubbing promising creams on my skin. They do feel nice though. No, you cannot prevent aging and as you see yourself growing older, gradually, acceptance will come easily.
Can I be prompted to change my daily skin-care regime by a revolutionary product, an interesting ad and a captivating celebrity? Not really. I can't suppress my mother's voice that always tells me to apply the home-made face-pack, drink water, eat fruits and vegetables and do some exercise. And all this, without spending extra money.
Somewhere, during this interview, I started to feel like one of the women in the old Dove soap advertisement. I was talking about keeping my skin clean, clear and oil-free. It's in all of us, to want to look beautiful and to turn a few heads while we also know that beauty is not only skin-deep. Physical beauty must always be accompanied by a sound mind and gentle heart for completeness. These are a little difficult to achieve and hold on to. So, while we try to be better ourselves on the inside, why not start looking better from the outside, right?