Monday, May 21, 2012

Post Processing!

One of the most dreaded tasks in our job description as Proprietor-Designer-Employee at Urban Pari is post-processing our brilliant photographs and for a novice like me, it's a bit of a headache. Suddenly, I am required to know all about Photoshop and I need to pay for it! But, I like Open Source and GIMP does what I need just as well as Photoshop. I am a software engineer (till recently) who has never worked on GUI or anything visual on the job. At the most, I've drawn flow charts and diagrams to illustrate how it is 'supposed' to work and the rest is all hidden behind code. Learning is seldom fun when you don't know where to start. But, it turns out I like the visual aspect of this task and I can put some of my programming skills to use when the tasks are repeatable.

You know what keeps me going while I spend long, late hours on the photographs?

  • The beauty of the model in the photograph. She is usually our friend. She is way too kind to us. She looks lovely in person but the camera sees more.
  • The magnificence of the saree which has a life of its own. Sometimes, it looks like the soft breeze, the ebbing of water, etc.
  • The magic created by both of them, model and saree.
  • The music that plays in the background, on my headphone.

Hope you like our photographs and we hope that we are continuously improving in the quality of our  product representation. We have a brilliant photographer, by the way. :) He meets our expectation and goes beyond it.